What causes neck and head pain?

Neck and head pain can result from a range of factors, including acute trauma (e.g. concussion or whiplash), to more insidious factors, such as prolonged abnormal posture. Pain may be felt in different regions of your neck, head, face, jaw, throat, upper back, shoulders and sometimes down the arm. Some people experience strong headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and even nausea. Occasionally neck and head pain has very little to do with the neck and head, e.g. some migraines, stress-related issues and ill health.

What causes neck and head pain?

Neck and head pain treatment

Because the neck is a particularly complex anatomical region, we believe it is imporrtant to seek a thorough assessment before planning a course of treatment. This should include specific questioning, clinical tests and even scans as the situation dictates. Fear not though, at Tangibilis wer'e able to manage most neck conditions with our modern physiotherapy techniques and tailored exercise programs.

Common treatments

  • Neck mobilisation & manipulation
  • Manual traction
  • Soft and deep tissue release techniques
  • Heat therapy
  • Dry needling
  • Stabilisation exercises for the neck and throat muscles
  • Stretching & strengthening
  • Specialised exercises for vertigo/dizziness

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